Supply List
Every student must have all these materials/supplies on the first week of school. These materials are required to make sure that students will be able to accomplish a certain task/requirement or for personal use.
K - Grade 4
Back packs
Water bottle
Lunch bag
Art apron
Hand wipes
Hand towels
7 Composition Notebooks with red and blue grid lines
3-ring binders (3-inch thick)
3-ring binder (2-inch thick)
Sheet protectors (box of 50 pcs)
Paper towel or box of tissue
A box of crayons
Ziploc bags ( 1 box gallon size and quarter size)
Clorox disinfecting wipes
5 pocket folders
Glue sticks
Construction papers 1 pack
Plastic envelope
(Please label their materials as necessary)
Grades 5 - 8
Back pack
Prayer Journal
Personal Bible
Composition notebooks (4 pcs)
Pocket folders (4 pcs)
Pencil case
Pens and pencils
Erasers / Correction fluid
3-Ring binder (3-inch)
Sheet protectors (50 pcs)
Apron (for Art Class)
Graph papers
Compass (for drawing)
Loose lined papers
Scientific calculator
Hand sanitizers
Cleansing Wipes (for cleaning tables)
Tissue box
(Please label their materials as necessary)