Items below must be submitted before your student will be considered registered.
Thank you in advance for submitting the needed items.
Online forms:
Registration Fee (Pay online or bring check/cash to the office)
FACTS Financial Assistance Application (Optional)
Parent/Guardian Questionnaire (New Students Only)
Student Questionnaire (New Students Grades 1-8 Only)
Teacher Recommendation (New Students Grades 1-8 Only. Please send this link to your student's teacher and ask them to submit the online form.)
Items to be brought into the office:
Records Release Form (New Students Only. Please print and fill out the top half, then our office will deliver it to the school.)
School Entry Medical Exam (New Students Only. Please print and take to your primary care physician for them to fill out.)
Permission for Medication Form (Mandatory for any meds, even OTC. Please print and take to your primary care physician for them to fill out.)
Parent Picture ID (Current State Driver's License or Military ID)
Birth Certificate or Certified Copy (New Students Only)
Immunization Record (Must Keep Current)
Most Recent Report Card (New Students Grades 1-8 Only)​